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Pre-Marriage Sponsor Couples (Fully Engaged) - Spanish and English
Advocates/Formación para Defensores- Spanish and English
Sunday, Feb 23rd after the 10:30 a.m. Mass, join other families with children 0 to 5th grade for a Potluck brunch in the FLC gym. Come for the fellowship and to help plan where it grows from here.
12-day trip taking in Lourdes, Nevers, Lisieux, the Normandy beaches, Monastery of St. Michael, and Notre Dame Cathedral while in Paris.
For more information or to register, click here.Letter from The Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the bishops of the United States of America regarding the ongoing migrant crisis - Click to read the Papal Letter
Carta del Santo Padre, Papa Francisco, a los obispos de los Estados Unidos de América sobre la crisis migratoria en curso - Haga clic para leer la carta papalBishop Olsen's statement on Texas Bishops Statement on a Call for a Just and Humane Approach to Migration - Pastoral Letter
El obispo Michael Olson comenta la declaración de los obispos de Texas sobre un llamado a un enfoque justo y humano hacia la migración Carta Pastoral
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. EnglishST. FRANCES CABRINI
St. Frances Cabrini and St. Rose of Lima
By appointment as needed, please call the office for more information.
For emergencies, call the office at any hour.