As expressed in our mission statement, spiritual education throughout life is a priority at St. Frances Cabrini and we are convinced that catechetical ministry is a share in Jesus' own mission of proclaiming the Reign of God.
Catechesis is that activity which enables faith to become living, conscious, and active through the light of instruction -- especially sharing God's Word in Scripture and sharing the tradition of the Catholic Church. Catechesis is a life-long process for each individual as well as the work of the entire Catholic Christian community.
The Church assists the parents in passing on their faith through the ministry of catechesis. Catechists echo the Catholic faith in a way that those being catechized (children, youth, adults) can understand. Catechists must do more than merely teach about the faith. They help children/youth build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus and the Church. Catechists do this by proclaiming the Word, building a sense of community, leading to prayer and worship, encouraging loving service to others and through the example of our own lives.
Listed below are the various programs offered:
For further information: contact the Parish Office or
Mrs. Melissa Perez